God Chun



  • 先看一段源代码:
     /** The value is used for character storage. */
    private final char value[];
    /** The offset is the first index of the storage that is used. */
    private final int offset;
    /** The count is the number of characters in the String. */
    private final int count;
    * Initializes a newly created {@code String} object so that it represents
    * the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the
    * newly created string is a copy of the argument string. Unless an
    * explicit copy of {@code original} is needed, use of this constructor is
    * unnecessary since Strings are immutable.
    * @param  original
    *   A {@code String}
    public String(String original) {
        int size = original.count;
        char[] originalValue = original.value;
        char[] v;
        if (originalValue.length > size) {
            // The array representing the String is bigger than the new
            // String itself.  Perhaps this constructor is being called
            // in order to trim the baggage, so make a copy of the array.
            int off = original.offset;
            v = Arrays.copyOfRange(originalValue, off, off+size);
        } else {
            // The array representing the String is the same
            // size as the String, so no point in making a copy.
            v = originalValue;
        this.offset = 0;
        this.count = size;
        this.value = v;

        这是 java.lang.String 的一部分源代码。其中有一个构造函数 public String(String original) 用一个 String去构造另一个函数,大部分时间这个构造函数是没有用的,正如注解里写的那样Unless an explicit copy of {@code original} is needed, use of this constructor isunnecessary since Strings are immutable.

        不过,我们暂时不必关系这个构造函数存在的意义。先看看里面的代码 originalValue.length>size 字符串持有的字符数组的长度,比这个字符串的长度要大。再看看一开始对count的定义,count 就是这个String对象里字符的个数/* The count is the number of characters in the String. /,既然如此,那么为什么count大小又和 字符数组的长度不一样了呢?

        于是,开始google,搜了老半天,终于有了一点眉目。说是,这个字符数组是有可能被很多的String共享的,在共享同一个 char[] value的时候,就有可能因为每个对象实际拥有的字符数量不同而修改count了。 听着好像那么一回事,但是还觉得有些地方总是困惑着自己。那就是,什么情况下,可能会共享这个value呢?能不能找出来一个例子呢?于是,开始各种构造字符串,尝试了几种方法之后,还是没有结果。徒劳。

        再静下心来,仔细想想,既然是共享一个value,count是指字符个数,那么就是通过count,offset来区分每个String对象。那么offset一定不是等于0!!于是在源码里面搜索”offset =”, 终于被我搜到下面的三段代码:

    public String(StringBuffer buffer) {
        String result = buffer.toString();
        this.value = result.value;
        this.count = result.count;
        this.offset = result.offset;
    public String(StringBuilder builder) {
        String result = builder.toString();
        this.value = result.value;
        this.count = result.count;
        this.offset = result.offset;
    // Package private constructor which shares value array for speed.
    String(int offset, int count, char value[]) {
        this.value = value;
        this.offset = offset;
        this.count = count;
        看到第三个 私有构造方法上的注解了吗!!// Package private constructor which shares value array for speed. 终于找到了!看看是怎么具体实现的,查看调用者,有一个subString(int beginIndex,int endIndex),看看这个方法的实现:
     public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
        if (beginIndex < 0) {
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beginIndex);
        if (endIndex > count) {
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(endIndex);
        if (beginIndex > endIndex) {
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(endIndex - beginIndex);
        return ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == count)) ? this :
            new String(offset + beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex, value);

        当你的构造一个subString 不是它本身的时候,他就new String(offset + beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex, value);这里的offset 就不是0了,count也不是value的length,但是value还是共享了父String的value,这样就出现了共享了字符数组,并且 数组长度和count不一致。


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String b = "abcdefghit";
        String sub = b.substring(2, 5);
        String tt = new String(sub);

        结果如下图: Alt text     看到b.value的id和sub.value的id是一致了。说明确实是共享一个char 数组。并且,sub的count也是3而不是10.至此都明白了。